Discover ErnieApp vision
We make easy for everyone to exercise privacy rights and to manage data sharing preferences on digital services.
From one place, in your hand, with one click, in real-time, set your privacy preferences, synch them across your devices
and make sure your choices are respected.
It works. It’s fast. It’s easy. It’s powerful.
App can be tested without account.
Once you register you can choose between free or freemium plans.

How did we do it ?
We embarked on a mission to redesign users’ and digital companies’ relationship through privacy and data sharing transparency

Our journey began with ErnieApp Ltd incorporation in 2017.Many told us that users were not interested in privacy. Other told us that the Big Tech would never allow us to go to market as we were too upfront in claiming users’ empowerment.

We designed an innovative technology (the PKM engine), released the app on Apple and Google Play stores; localized the app in multiple languages; developed IP and registered ErnieApp logo and trademarks in more +30 jurisdictions.

Today we can say that we were right. Users do care about privacy. Of any age and gender they expect privacy to be simple. They share data more confidently by valuing transparency. We serve +100K unique users and we are growing.
Meet the team

Oliviero Armezzani
Director & Member of the Board

Claudia Collacchi

Isabella De Michelis

Nick Hodges
Indipendent Director & Member of the Board

Sasho Kashev
Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile Developer

Danilo Marinucci

Ivan Miletic

Adrian Rusin
Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile Lead Developer

Claudio Russillo
IT & WEB Manager

Alexandru Scutelniciuc

Dmytro Shapolapov
Sr. Software Engineer, Mobile Lead Developer

Iryna Shapolapova
UI-UX Designer

Joachim Sonne
They talk about us
The interest for the Privacy Knowledge Manager exceeds expectations, attracting governments, European institutions, the OECD, media, academia and companies’ attention.
Milena Gabanelli Dataroom CORRIERE.TV
Barbara Carfagna Codice RAI 1
Isabella De Michelis Con-fine TEDx Mestre
Privacy is an insurance policy to keep your democracy.” Peter A. Winn, Acting Chief Privacy and Civil Liberties Officer, U.S. DOJ