"The reason why" you should be using the Privacy Knowledge Manager
- You hear about privacy violations and breaches daily.
- You read about companies making billions of dollars with data.
- You want to protect your personal data but don’t know how.
- You want to delete your personal data but don’t know how.
- You want to better understand what companies do with your data and the value of your data.
- You want to be sure of which company you can trust with using your data.
These are all the reasons why to use a Privacy Knowledge Manager
Watch how to use the Privacy Knowledge Manager
- Download and register your PKM account.
- Link to the PKM your accounts by performing the log in on the services you have chosen.
- You are in control of your accounts and your passwords which we never access or see.
- Get access to all your privacy settings from ErnieApp dashboard and control them.
- Use the Openness Index to monitor how your privacy score performs.
- Switch OFF to get more privacy, wipe with the broom to delete your traces online.