ErnieApp – Privacy Knowledge Manager

The right to monetize within your reach.

Eta Beta show

Connect to the Eta Beta show on Radio RAI 1 on Sat. morning July 15th at 11:30AM CEST and find out why your consent preferences on websites and apps are worth so much. The more you use ErnieApp the more control over the value of your data.

May 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the May 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Salvatore Di Fusco. Well done Salvatore ! Salvatore is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, […]

May 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the April 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Emanuele C. Well done Lidia ! Emanuele is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites […]

Ernie Prize Draw in less than a day!

Game Playground phone

Dear user, we are getting close to May Prize Draw date and you can be the winner of the 25€ Amazon voucher (there are 4 vouchers to win). Just check on your privacy settings or play the Ernie game to qualify for the Prize Draw.

Large platforms mandated to introduce data portability by 2024!


The European Union has designed 19 companies among which the largest platforms in the world like Google, Meta and others, to comply with Digital Market Act new ‘data portability’ requirement for user. Companies have less than 1 year to implement solutions which allows users to migrate their personal data to other services. So, after GDPR […]

April 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the April 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Lidia Ortu. Well done Lidia ! Lidia is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites […]

March 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement

Generic Prize

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winners of the March 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winners are  Luca B. e Graziano F.  Well done! Luca and Graziano are members of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in […]

Internet users can you please ‘wake up’ ?

Linkedin image June 20

This is a gentle reminder that you have strong privacy ‘rights’ as well as nascent data monetization right linked to how you set your consent preferences to data sharing toward companies. Depends on your if you wish to obtain more privacy or give up.