ErnieApp – Privacy Knowledge Manager

May 2024 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the May 2024 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Valentino M. Well done Valentino ! Valentino is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites […]

Eta Beta | La morsa europea sui giganti del web: da oggi stop agli abusi


Segnalare ai social network la presenza di attività illegali, calunnie e disinformazione, e ricevere risposte entro 24 ore. Riappropriarci dei nostri dati presenti online per gestire i benefici in prima persona. Ospiti al microfono di Massimo Cerofolini: Isabella De Michelis, fondatrice di Ernie App ed esperta di normative comunitarie. Qui l’articolo completo.

January 2024 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winners of the January 2024 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winners are Loredana Giovannini and Alessandro P. Well done to both of you! Loredana and Alessandro are members of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. In Europe as much […]

Partnerschaft angekündigt!

Associazione Privacy APS ITALY

Wir sind stolz darauf, eine gemeinsame Partnerschaft mit der Associazione Privacy APS ITALY anzukündigen. APS hat ein hervorragendes Programm für Colleges namens RPD Studente. ErnieApp hat sich bereit erklärt, die maßgeschneiderte PKM-App für Schulen, die sich für die Ausgabe 2024 angemeldet haben, zur Verfügung zu stellen. Gemeinsam investieren wir in die Aufklärung über Datenschutzrechte.

Partenariat annoncé !

Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer un partenariat avec l’Associazione Privacy APS ITALY. APS a un superbe programme pour les collèges appelé RPD Studente. ErnieApp a accepté de fournir l’application PKM personnalisée pour les écoles inscrites à l’édition 2024. Ensemble, nous investissons dans l’évangélisation des droits à la vie privée.

November 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winners of the November 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winners are Francesco M. Well done Francesco ! Francesco is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites […]

Annuncio partnership!


Siamo orgogliosi di annunciare una partnership congiunta con l’Associazione Privacy APS ITALIA. APS ha un ottimo programma per le scuole superiori chiamato RPD Studente. ErnieApp ha accettato di fornire l’app PKM Education personalizzata per le scuole iscritte all’edizione 2024. Insieme investiamo nell’evangelizzazione dei “diritti della privacy”.

Partnership announced!

Associazione Privacy APS ITALY

Proud to announce a joint partnership with Associazione Privacy APS ITALY. APS has a superb program for Colleges called RPD Studente. ErnieApp has agreed to provide the customised education PKM app for schools enrolled in 2024 edition. Together we invest in ‘privacy rights’ evangelisation.

October 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winners of the October2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winners are Vincenzo F. and Davide V. Well done to both of you! Vincenzo and Davide are members of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new […]

September 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement


ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the September2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Livia S. Well done Livia ! Livia is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]