ErnieApp – Privacy Knowledge Manager

September 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the September 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Daniele Leoni. Well done Daniele! Daniele is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

Big Data, diritti di proprietà e politiche redistributive

Intervista alla fondatrice di Ernieapp Isabella De Michelis a cura di Federico Tommasello sul tema “Right to Monetize” ovvero il diritto degli utenti a compartecipare al valore che essi producono on line.  Listen to “Big Data, diritti di proprietà e politiche redistributive” on Spreaker.

August 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the August 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Paolo A. Well done Paolo! Paolo is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

March 2021 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the March 2021 Prize Draw edition (200€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Giorgia Bettoni. Well done Giorgia! Giorgia is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]