Ernieapp is a Privacy Knowledge Manager
It’s time to manage your privacy on-line. Get in one app all the privacy settings of your favorite internet services and control them easily. Be mindful of your generosity. Think twice before giving your consent to apps and websites. Learn how to delete sensitive data.
ErnieApp is a Privacy Knowledge Manager (PKM).
A PKM empowers You to control how internet companies monetize your data based on the “consent” you provided them (the sharing permission you agreed to). User consent is usually collected upon sign-in to a digital service and at other times but users often underestimate what consent means. For digital companies your consent means a granted right to make a business with your data.
So with Ernieapp you can learn that your consent is important and that you have a right to change it, anytime you want (from Yes to No). Your decision to let a company use your personal data is so yours that you can also delete your personal data or request to be excluded from targeting advertisement and companies will have to accept it. So you are powerful!
You can claim a fairer treatment from companies and just by managing your consent.
ErnieApp gives you this opportunity.
To manage dynamically your consent in exchange for good behavior from digital companies.
Click here to watch the video showing you how ErnieApp works
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