Hard to track and control your privacy choices? Hard to understand how your data are being processed by whom and why? Ernieapp is your easy solution to your daily challenge: what’s best to do with your data.
Act now! Aggregate in one dashboard the privacy settings that matter to you. Manage in one click from your mobile phone all your opt-in, opt-out, data wiping and more…The main PKM ‘enterprise’ features
The Privacy Knowledge Manager is an innovative mobile solution for companies to win and maintain persistent user’s consent by twisting a positive conversation with their users, customers, employees and partners.

Opt-in / Opt-out
It’s your right to consent or object to
personal data processing. Anytime.
We give you 1 click to do it.

Privacy game
Too often companies are not transparent about how they monetize your data. Play Ernie game to discover why.

Data deletion
It’ your right
to delete personal data. Anytime.
We give you 1 click to do it.

Prize draw
Increase your privacy and
digital skills. The Prize Draw
features great prizes every month.

Privacy score
It’s your right to enjoy effective privacy. Openness Index computes your privacy score. Low value means you’re good.

A new community
United we become powerful. If many use the Privacy Knowledge Manager we build a strong leverage toward companies.
Consent is a legal requirement.
Under GDPR
Qualifying audiences by consent entails benefits.
The consent log must be time stamped and verifiable.
Some companies
Flexibility, user friendliness, scalability.
We designed
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Consent is a golden asset for data driven companies upon the condition that the consent ‘time-stamp log, by purpose’ is sufficiently granular and often enough refreshed and updated to enable the data processing purposes associated with the user profile to ‘always’ be callable (and verifiable).
ErnieApp is offering a consent as a service value proposition to businesses. To refresh/update the user consent by purpose we offer you to use the PKM app. But there is more. The PKM is also a powerful data enrichment tool. Wisely used, your users, are those who can source you with the best data you are looking for.
Overall, our goal is to enable the partner to always dispose of the adequate level of consent, at the right time, for the right purpose from his users and also rely on his users to enrich his first party data-set. Similarly for HR and Recruiting industry the PKM represents a very simple, easy to use solution acquire and maintain the consent log over time, as permitted by laws and regulations.