ErnieApp – Privacy Knowledge Manager

September 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the September 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Daniele Leoni. Well done Daniele! Daniele is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

“Protect your privacy and your security: download Ernieapp!”

In the year of the world’s great crisis, according to data from the second quarter of 2021, Apple sold 50 percent more iPhones, Google increased advertising revenue by 69 percent, while Microsoft achieved the best revenue ever. And yet, despite these successes, Big Tech faces one of the most critical stages of their history: the […]

Eta Beta on RAI, Radio 1

We are very proud to have ErnieApp and its founder Isa de Michelis featured on among the leading innovators interviewed by Massimo Cerofilini, the bright anchorman and author of Eta Beta on RAI, Radio 1 , every Saturday morning, since 2012. Read full article

Big Data, diritti di proprietà e politiche redistributive

Intervista alla fondatrice di Ernieapp Isabella De Michelis a cura di Federico Tommasello sul tema “Right to Monetize” ovvero il diritto degli utenti a compartecipare al valore che essi producono on line.  Listen to “Big Data, diritti di proprietà e politiche redistributive” on Spreaker.

August 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the August 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Paolo A. Well done Paolo! Paolo is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

July 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the July 2021 Prize Draw edition (Samsung Galaxy S20FE). The lucky winner is Federico Schiavottiello Well done Federico! Federico is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States of […]

June 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the June 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Gianfranco Mongelli. Well done Gianfranco! Gianfranco is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

May 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the May 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Daniela C. Well done Daniela! Daniela is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

April 2021– Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the April 2021 Prize Draw edition (100€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Lorenzo Paglia. Well done Lorenzo! Lorenzo is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]

March 2021 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement

ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the March 2021 Prize Draw edition (200€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Giorgia Bettoni. Well done Giorgia! Giorgia is a member of the ErnieApp community which continues to grow and expand beyond European geographies. We can now account new active users in Mexico, Unites States […]