ErnieApp – Privacy Knowledge Manager

Tv channels and privacy

Rai Play Banner 2021

Did you know that TV channels collect personal data to profile you? See RAI – the Italian broadcaster or Mediaset in Italy which apps we both support in ErnieApp. Contact us via the website and let us know which apps of TV channels, public or private you would like us to add in app so […]

Wiping data is a one-click opportunity on ErnieApp.

Google Wipe

Did you know that every week, for every 3 privacy setting changes, users wipe their data on social media? Did you realize that we are the only privacy app that allows you do to it automatically without need of sending a DSAR request to the data controller? Mind up and recommend the app to your […]

Did you know that Ernie’s game is also available on the web?

ErnieApp web game

We published the Ernie game on the ErnieApp website. In 4 languages. You can play it at home from your computer or from the mobile app. Talk to your friends and family. Help them understand how to protect themselves online and how to take full advantage of the privacy rights enshrined in the GDPR.

Check your privacy settings on Linkedin!

Control Digital Value Twitter

Linkedin is owned by Microsoft. They offer multiple privacy settings. Few of you are aware of how many data Linkedin collect and use to target you with advertisements. So be smart and start checking your privacy setting on Linkedin right now.

Mind up! Ernie Prize Draw is just in less than one week!

Play to win the voucher

Open the app, check your privacy settings or play the game and by doing so you are entitled to participate in the Prize Draw. No need to redeem Prize Draw Tickets. We made it simple. Use the app and get your right to win a 25€ Amazon voucher!

Does Artificial Intelligence scare you?

Game Playground phone

AI is a new technology and the implication of its deployment and adoption in everyday life is still unknown. If you want to know more about it, play the Ernie game and learn more about how digital technologies impact your life. You can accrue Ernie’s!

L’intelligenza artificiale ti spaventa?

Game Playground phone

L’intelligenza artificiale è una nuova tecnologia e l’implicazione della sua diffusione e adozione nella vita quotidiana è ancora sconosciuta. Se vuoi saperne di più, gioca al gioco Ernie e scopri di più su come le tecnologie digitali influenzano la tua vita. Ottieni degli Ernie’s.

ChatGPT. Le condizioni del Garante Privacy

Chat GPT

Il Garante privacy: “La limitazione provvisoria sarà sospesa se OpenAI adotterà le misure richieste”. L’Autorità ha dato tempo alla società fino al 30 aprile per mettersi in regola. leggi >>l’articolo completo <<

Good or bad to share data and information with companies ?

Android phone

Well. Privacy is a right and monetization is an option. What’s important is that it’s you decide on your own when and what. Keep it always I mind. Until when you can freely decide, you are the master, and you remain in control. Technology is here to help you automate and scale but not to […]