Stay up to date about ErnieApp, the digital economy and privacy stories
We post here news about the company, the product, the Prize draw winners and much more. Share on social media the content of these pages. Help us creating a culture of privacy transparency and trust.

Push Notifications
Push notifications were paused this summer. We’ll now resume them. Notifications from ErnieApp are informative by nature. We don’t profile or target you. Just keep

Privacy tip
Cleaning up your data on social media apps? Is it possible? Indeed it is. Open any privacy setting screen of Google, Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin from

August 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement
ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the August 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Mauro Mozzaia Well

July 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement
ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the July 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Alessandro D. Well

June 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement
ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the June 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Matteo Ferrato. Well

The right to monetize within your reach.
Connect to the Eta Beta show on Radio RAI 1 on Sat. morning July 15th at 11:30AM CEST and find out why your consent preferences

May 2023 – Prize Draw Winner Announcement
ErnieApp is happy to announce the winner of the May 2023 Prize Draw edition (25€ Amazon Gift Card). The lucky winner is Salvatore Di Fusco.