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Did you know that …
65% of the world population is now covered by privacy laws? Still, users underestimate the power they have and ignore how to exercise their privacy
It was time. User’s Right to Monetize becoming a reality!
The European Commission has launched a revolution for Internet users. It framed it under the Data Market Act. Under this Act, starting on March 2024,
Tv channels and privacy
Did you know that TV channels collect personal data to profile you? See RAI – the Italian broadcaster or Mediaset in Italy which apps we
Wiping data is a one-click opportunity on ErnieApp.
Did you know that every week, for every 3 privacy setting changes, users wipe their data on social media? Did you realize that we are
Italian Garante Privacy won against OpenAI
Your data are yours. Your privacy is important. So including when you use ChatGPT you can now protect your data and even decide not to
Did you know that Ernie’s game is also available on the web?
We published the Ernie game on the ErnieApp website. In 4 languages. You can play it at home from your computer or from the mobile
Check your privacy settings on Linkedin!
Linkedin is owned by Microsoft. They offer multiple privacy settings. Few of you are aware of how many data Linkedin collect and use to target
Mind up! Ernie Prize Draw is just in less than one week!
Open the app, check your privacy settings or play the game and by doing so you are entitled to participate in the Prize Draw. No